

The US Department of Education released the new final 第九条 regulations on April 19, 2024, 全面实施的最后期限为8月1日, 2024. 你可以 view the updated regulation fact sheet, summary, and full text of the regulations online. The Office for 平等的机会 and 公民权利 will modify current policies and processes to achieve compliance by August 1, 2024.

  • In the event of a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 immediately.
  • 如果你在校园里感到威胁, 希望报告可疑活动, would like an escort between your transportation to campus and your classroom, 或者有其他安全问题, 请拨打你学校的保安电话.
  • Any person may file a 第九条 or other civil rights complaint day or night, 电话或电子邮件,如下所示.

Know of a concerning behavior, incident, or other concern you would like to report?


举报不当性行为, 包括性骚扰和性侵犯, 以及其他形式的歧视, you can complete the report on this page or contact Josh Vollendorf, 合规总监/第九条, 美国残疾人协会和克莱利协调员, at compliance@31133.net, 262-564-3062,拉辛校区,湖大厦L101.

As a member of the Gateway Technical College community, 第九条 protects you from discrimination based on sex throughout your educational journey. 第九条 of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that states:

“在美国,任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

这意味着在盖特威技术学院, you are protected from all forms of sex discrimination and harassment, 无论你是学生, 员工, 承包商, 客人或访客. We are dedicated to providing an education and employment environment free from all forms of illegal harassment and discrimination. 请参阅我们的 权利和期权通知 for victims of sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.

Gateway’s Office for 平等的机会 and 公民权利 provides support services, investigations and resolution options without regard to the legal status of the parties or witnesses and does not report immigration status to immigration authorities.


Students are encouraged to complete our 第九条和民权培训. 查看有关如何注册的说明.

Definitions of Sexual Harassment and other forms of sex discrimination

Find definitions for behaviors prohibited by Gateway’s police and/or 第九条 on our 标题IX -行为定义页.


性骚扰指控, 如政策H:110所定义-机会均等, 公民权利和性骚扰, are processed under our 第九条 Grievance Procedure.

User Guide to the Gateway’s Sex/Gender Discrimination & 解决骚扰的程序



An allegation is made by the Complainant against a Respondent(s) which alleged a violation of our 平等的机会, 公民权利, 及性骚扰政策, 具体地说, 性骚扰的指控. Other civil rights allegations and allegations that do not meet the definition of sexual harassment under 第九条 are addressed under a different procedure (H-120: Equity Resolution Procedure). All allegations that are dismissed under 第九条 can be appealed if they meet certain requirements.


All parties receive a notice of the allegations with sufficient details, including the name of the Complainant and an overview of the allegation(s). This notice informs the Respondent(s) that they are presumed innocent until the completion of the Grievance Procedure.


A trained investigator or a team of two investigators will be assigned to investigate the allegations. Investigators are required to be free of bias and conflict of interest in how they conduct the investigation. The investigation includes interviews with witnesses, 包括当事各方提出的, 以及由调查人员确定的. Evidence is also collected and may include social media posts, 信息和其他形式的物证. Upon completion of the investigation, a report is written. Each party reviewed the draft report and all evidence which is then incorporated into a final report.


A live hearing is conducted by an administrative law judge (ALJ) who is an 员工 of the Wisconsin Division of 听力s and 上诉s (DHA). 在听证会上, the ALJ will ask questions of the parties and investigator(s) and the party’s advisors must conduct cross-examination of the other party and witnesses. The ALJ considers the relevance of all questions prior to them being asked and makes a ruling on the relevance of any evidence.


Any party can appeal a final outcome if it meets the requirement for an appeal and is filed timely. An appeal is not a rehearing of the case or a disagreement with an outcome, but involves specific technical issues in how the case was managed, 调查或解决.